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Stomach Paralysis Caused by Ozempic

When you started taking Ozempic to manage your type 2 diabetes or support your weight loss journey, you likely never imagined that it could lead to a condition as debilitating as stomach paralysis. Also known as gastroparesis, this condition occurs when the muscles in your stomach stop working properly. If you were diagnosed with stomach paralysis caused by Ozempic, you may feel overwhelmed and uncertain about your future—but you also have options for justice. 

Gastroparesis from ozempic

What Is Gastroparesis?

Gastroparesis occurs when your stomach muscles fail to contract normally, preventing food from moving through your digestive tract. This condition seriously disrupts the digestive process and can lead to numerous health complications.

Common symptoms include:

  • Persistent nausea and vomiting
  • Stomach bloating and pain
  • Feeling full after eating just a few bites
  • Vomiting undigested food eaten hours earlier
  • Acid reflux
  • Unstable blood sugar levels
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss and malnutrition

Without proper treatment, gastroparesis can lead to serious complications such as severe dehydration, malnutrition, and bezoars, which are hardened masses of undigested food that can cause blockages. For diabetic patients, gastroparesis can create dangerous fluctuations in blood sugar levels, making both conditions worse. All of these complications can have a major impact on your quality of life. 

What Are the Treatment Options for Gastroparesis?

Treatment for gastroparesis typically begins with identifying and addressing the underlying cause. For Ozempic users, this often means discontinuing the medication under medical supervision.

Dietary changes can also ease the symptoms of gastroparesis. This may involve eating smaller, more frequent meals, staying hydrated, avoiding foods high in fat, and choosing options that are low in fiber and well-cooked.

When dietary changes aren’t enough, medications may help. Metoclopramide is an FDA-approved drug specifically for gastroparesis. Other options include erythromycin to stimulate stomach muscles or anti-nausea medications like ondansetron.

For severe cases that do not respond to other treatments, surgery may be necessary. These can include temporary feeding tubes for IV nutrition or gastric venting tubes to relieve any pressure buildup.

Can You File a Lawsuit for Ozempic-Induced Stomach Paralysis?

Many Ozempic users have reported developing gastroparesis while taking the medication. The growing evidence suggests that Novo Nordisk, the manufacturer, failed to adequately warn patients and healthcare providers about this serious risk. If you were prescribed Ozempic and were later diagnosed with gastroparesis, you may be eligible for a lawsuit against the pharmaceutical company.

Filing a lawsuit with representation from a specialized Ozempic lawyer can help you recover compensation for:

  • Medical expenses, both past and future
  • Lost wages and lower earning capacity
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Chronic pain 
  • Permanent limitations
  • Emotional distress
  • Depression and anxiety

If you believe that you qualify for an Ozempic lawsuit, speak to an attorney right away. A lawyer who focuses on pharmaceutical litigation can help you determine your eligibility and begin gathering evidence to support your case.

Schedule a Free Consultation About Your Gastroparesis Case

Gastroparesis from Ozempic can transform your life overnight, leaving you with chronic pain, digestive distress, and major medical needs. At Estey & Bomberger, LLP, we have seen firsthand how pharmaceutical companies often minimize these serious side effects. Our attorneys have recovered significant compensation for clients suffering from medication-induced injuries and can help you navigate this challenging time. Contact us at (800) 260-7197 and learn how our Ozempic lawsuit attorneys can fight for the settlement that you deserve.