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Social Media Suicide Lawsuits

Suicides related to social media use are more common than many people realize. The constant exposure to cyberbullying, harmful content, and addictive designs has contributed to major mental health challenges for vulnerable individuals.

Now, families are seeking justice and accountability from tech giants through civil lawsuits. In social media addiction lawsuits, these claims not only provide compensation to grieving families but also push for systemic changes to make social media safer for everyone.

Understanding the Link Between Social Media and Suicide Risk

Studies have shown that young adults who use social media are three times more likely to suffer from depression, increasing their vulnerability to suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Researchers often attribute this risk to many factors that are inherent in social media platforms, such as:

  • Cyberbullying: Constant exposure to online harassment, threats, and humiliation can severely impact mental health. One study found that teens who experienced cyberbullying were four times more likely to have suicidal thoughts or attempt suicide.
  • Exposure to Suicide-Related Content: Algorithms often promote harmful content, including posts about self-harm and suicide. This can normalize suicidal behaviors and compel vulnerable individuals to act on their thoughts.
  • Social Media Addiction: Excessive use of social media platforms can disrupt sleep patterns, impact real-world relationships, and create a cycle of dependency that negatively affects mental health.

The Grounds for Social Media Suicide Lawsuits 

If you have lost a loved one from suicide and believe that social media may have played a role, your family may have grounds for legal action. While no amount of money can truly compensate for the loss of a loved one, social media suicide lawsuits hold companies accountable and push for meaningful changes in how their platforms operate.

These claims allege that social media companies were aware of the harm that their platforms can cause and have failed to protect vulnerable users from these risks. Lawsuits have accused companies of:

  • Prioritizing engagement over user well-being by creating addictive features
  • Failing to remove harmful content or prevent its spread
  • Failing to provide sufficient tools to help parents monitor and limit their children’s social media use
  • Failing to warn users about the mental health risks associated with their platforms and content
  • Creating algorithms that promote and expose vulnerable users to extreme or harmful content

High-Profile Social Media Suicide Lawsuits 

Over the past decade, there has been a surge in lawsuits against social media companies. In 2015, 17-year-old Christopher Dawley committed suicide. His parents have since filed a lawsuit against Meta Platforms, Inc. and Snap, Inc., claiming their son developed a harmful addiction to Instagram that ultimately led to his suicide.

In 2021, 11-year-old Selena Rodriguez took her own life. Her mother has sued Snapchat and Instagram, stating that insufficient parental controls prevented her from protecting her daughter from social media addiction and cyberbullying.

in 2024, the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin and the Spirit Lake Tribe of North Dakota became the first tribal nations to sue social media companies. Their lawsuit accuses platforms like Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube of contributing to disproportionately high suicide rates among Native American youth.

Have You Been Affected by Social Media-Related Suicide?

The loss of a loved one to suicide is devastating. When social media is to blame for this loss, you and your family deserve justice. At Estey & Bomberger, LLP, our attorneys can help you hold the responsible parties accountable while providing the care and compassion that your family deserves. Contact us at (800) 260-7197 to speak with an attorney who can guide you through the legal process and fight for your rights.