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Eating Disorders Caused by Social Media

On social media, it is common to see people with impossibly thin figures and flawless faces, especially on image-based platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Unfortunately, these apps have created a breeding ground for unrealistic beauty standards and harmful comparisons. 

Social media has led many users to chase an unattainable ideal, leading them down a dangerous path toward eating disorders. Restrictive eating can create a harmful cycle that can have devastating, lifelong health effects.

How Social Media Promotes Harmful Body Image

The pressure to present a perfect online image leads many to obsess over their appearance. Filters and editing tools make it easy to alter photos, creating a false reality where everyone seems flawless. This fosters a culture of comparison, where social media users measure their worth against an impossible and unrealistic standard. 

As a result, many people—especially girls and young women—can experience body dissatisfaction and a higher risk of developing eating disorders. A study from Australia and New Zealand revealed that over half of girls aged 13–14 with social media accounts altered their eating habits, skipped meals, and overexercised.

Despite awareness of these risks, social media companies often prioritize profits over user safety. In 2021, leaked documents revealed that Meta, the parent company of Instagram and Facebook, knew that their platforms harmed the body image of teen girls. However, it failed to take action, leading many vulnerable users to continue down a harmful path.

Identifying Early Signs of Social Media-Induced Eating Disorders

Eating disorders can have severe physical and psychological consequences, including malnutrition, organ damage, and depression. These conditions can significantly impair daily functioning and, in extreme cases, be life-threatening. However, early intervention may help prevent the progression of disordered eating behaviors and improve the chances of full recovery.

While each person’s experience may differ, common red flags to watch for may include:

  • Obsessive calorie counting or tracking
  • Frequent body checking or weighing
  • Withdrawal from social activities involving food
  • Extreme exercise regimens
  • Drastic changes in eating habits
  • Mood swings or irritability
  • Fixation on clean eating or eliminating entire food groups
  • Increased secrecy around meals
  • Excessive time spent viewing fitness or diet-related content

Seeking Compensation for Medical Treatment, Therapy, and More

Social media platforms deserve to be held accountable for the widespread harm that they can cause. Many people who have developed eating disorders due to social media content are eligible for legal action against these companies. By filing a lawsuit, they can recover compensation to help pay for medical expenses, therapy costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

To qualify for an eating disorder lawsuit, you must demonstrate a clear link between social media use and the development of an eating disorder. This may involve medical records, expert testimony, and evidence of prolonged exposure to harmful content. An attorney can assess your case and identify your optimal course of legal action.

Holding Social Media Platforms Accountable for Eating Disorders

Eating disorders linked to social media exposure are a serious concern. If you or a family member has developed an eating disorder influenced by social media content, Estey & Bomberger, LLP can provide the legal support you need. 

Our attorneys understand the complexities of these social media addiction lawsuits and related cases and are committed to your full recovery. Contact us at (800) 260-7197 to discuss your situation and learn how our attorneys can protect your rights.